Elders in the Life of the Church
Authors: Phil A. Newton; Matt Schmucker
Written: 2014
“Plural Eldership
- Encourages leaders by shouldering the load of ministry
- Approaches ministry with greater precision
- Curtails tyranny and authoritarianism in the church
- Provides a laboratory for displaying unity in the church”
Hello Ordinary Readers.
The structure of this book is unique. Phil Newton wrote the first version of this book, Elders in the Congregational Life many years ago. He then partnered with Matt Schmucker in this edition. The structure bounces between a chapter by Phil and then a chapter by Matt. Phil covers the biblical reasons for elders and Matt tells the story of Capital Hill Baptist Churches transition to a plurality of elders.
Mark Dever writes the foreword and I think he sums up the benefits of this book better than I can. But, the strengths of this book is specifically catered to shifting a church from a single pastor led church to a pluraility of elders. Dever says Phil does a great job at answering three questions people have about and elder lead polity. Is it Baptist? Is it biblical? Is it best?
I really enjoyed Matt’s chapters giving the real life story of a church making such a transition. It brings to life what the Bible teaches and gives context for Phil’s chapters.
The negative is that sometimes it is hard to transition from chapter to chapter. It really does feel like two separate books wove together.
I would recommend this book specifically to pastors or those thinking about pastoring. I think it is very specifically focusing on the transition of a church. There are other books I would recommend if you want to know more about elders.
Happy Reading!