Thoughts for Young Men | Part IV
Author: J.C. Ryle
Written: 1888 (Reproduced excerpt from The Upper Room by J.C. Ryle)
Book Links: Thoughts for Young Men
Series Links: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
“A small leak will sink a great ship, and a small spark will kindle a great fie, and a little allowed sin in like manner will ruin an immortal soul.”
Part IV
Special Rules for Young Men
Hello Ordinary Readers,
Up to this point, Ryle has pointed out general reasons for exhorting men, the special dangers young men face, and general council to young men. Now we get into Ryle giving young men counsel special rules. This is taking that general council and solidifying that foundation. He focuses on running from sin and looking to God. It sounds simple but in my experience these things can be quite difficult for all men and women.
“(I) For one thing, resolve at once, by God’s help, to break off every known sin, however small” (55).
Ryle points out that scripture shows us even a little leaven will leaven the entire loaf. Ryle writes, “…let no sin lodge quietly and undisturbed in your heart” (56). I can certainly attest to this in my life, I today still struggle with becoming slothful, and not diligent in my daily walk with Christ. This sin often creeps in and when it does boy does it “sink my boat”. This leads to Ryle's second rule.
“(2) For another thing, resolve, by God’s help, to shun everything which may prove an occasion for sin” (58).
How does one become slothful? By allowing an occasion for sin. Ryle especially points out how idleness ought to be avoided. For when we are idle, sin is given an open door to our hearts and minds. For me, this often is just being lazy. But in my past, it has certainly seen lust and debauchery sneak in. And how much more is idleness a doorway for sin? I grew up in a small town in Arkansas with not much to do and most of the time when us young men get bored we hardly ever turn to good things for entertainment.
“(3) For another thing, resolve never to forget the eye of God” (61).
This sounds like a duh rule, but as you are a follower of Christ we need to always be reminded that God is everywhere. He sees everything there is no such thing as hiding from Him. As soon as the first sin happened Addam and Eve tried to hide from God and tried to hide their nakedness. Do you feel the eye of God upon you, as you close your door and hide your face trying to sin? I need this as much as anyone!
“(4) For another thing, be diligent in the use of all public means of grace” (63).
Ryle here is saying don’t neglect to go to church and do your best to keep the Lord’s Day holy. We were created to spend time with other believers and worshipping the Lord together. Do not neglect this, very seldom have I seen someone stop attending church that continued to be faithful to the Lord.
“(5) For another thing, resolve that wherever you are, you will pray” (67)
Another duh moment! You cannot neglect prayer! I know for me when I am in a season where I feel far from God and feel like sin keeps knocking at my door I can easily point to the lack of a prayer life. When I talk with college students that are struggling with sin I can always point to a lack of prayer life. I think it is hard to ‘hide’ from God if you are always talking with him!
In Conclusion
As we conclude J.C. Ryle’s, Thoughts for Young Men I hope these musings have been beneficial for you. I encourage you to pick up this work no matter who you are. But, I especially encourage those who are young men or discipling young men to add this to their study. I certainly wish I had gone through this earlier on in my life, nonetheless, it has been great to meditate on in my mid-late thirties as well.
Happy Reading!
Book Links: Thoughts for Young Men
Series Links: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
“(I) For one thing, resolve at once, by God’s help, to break off every known sin, however small” ”
“A small leak will sink a great ship, and a small spark will kindle a great fire, and a little allowed sin in like manner will ruin an immortal soul.”
“Young men, resist sin in its beginnings. They may look small and insignificant, but mind what I say, resist them,-make no compromise, let no sin lodge quietly and undisturbed in your heart.”
“(2) For another thing, resolve, by God’s help, to shun everything which may prove an occasion for sin””
“...idleness is as much to be avoided. It is not that doing nothing is of itself so positively wicked; it is the opportunity it affords to evil thoughts, and vain imaginations; it is the wide door it opens for Satan to throw in the seeds of bad things; it is this which is mainly to be feared.”
“(3) For another thing, resolve never to forget the eye of God”
“Everywhere, in every house, in every field, in every room, in every company, alone or in a crowd, the eye of God is always upon you.”
“The sound of a footstep coming has stopped many a deed of wickedness. A knock at the door has caused many an evil work to be hastily suspended and hurriedly laid aside.”
“(4) For another thing, be diligent in the use of all public means of grace”
“Your soul’s eternal well-doing most certainly does not depend on means of grace, but it is no less certain that without them, as a general rule, your soul will not do well.”
“To hear sin cried down, and holiness cried up, to hear Christ exalted, and the works of the devil denounced,-to hear the kingdom of heaven and its blessedness described, and the world and its emptiness exposed; to hear this week after week, Sunday after Sunday, is seldom without good effect to the soul.”
“Honour it (the Lord’s Day) by a regular attendance at some place where the gospel Is preached.”
“(5) For another thing, resolve that wherever you are, you will pray.”
“Prayer is the life-breath of man’s soul.”
“And here it is, I say it with sorrow, here it is that men fall short so miserable. Few indeed are to be found who pray: many who go down on their knees, and say a form perhaps, but few who pray; few who cry unto God, few who call upon the Lord, few who seek as if they wanted to find, few who knock as if they hungered and thirsted, few who wrestle, few who strive with God earnestly for an answer, few who give him no rest, few who continue in prayer, few who watch unto prayer, few who pray always without ceasing and faint not. Yes: Few pray!”
“Go then, young men, and resolve this day to remember your Creator in the days of your youth.”
“Young men, these things are true. Suffer the word of exhortation. Be persuaded. Take up the cross. Follow Christ. yield yourselves unto God.”