Church Discipline
Author: Jonathan Leeman
Written: 2012
“And that’s what discipline is all about: helping one another grow in Christlikeness by correcting sin.”
Hello Ordinary Readers,
Leeman has a very specific audience in mind for this book. In this book, he says, “It’s to help the already-persuaded know how and when to practice it.” While this book might be helpful for any believer it is focused on the corrective discipline. Discipline is such no-no word to say today. But think of the athlete when he or she is training. They are disciplining their bodies to win the game, race, etc. Like the above quote, the goal is to grow in Christlikeness. No pastor enjoys the process of exercising corrective discipline.
This book is a great resource for pastors and members of churches that already have a view of church discipline. One of the most helpful sections is in part two when Leeman goes through a bunch of different examples of how to handle different situations. If you are not sure about church discipline then I would suggest reading Leemans book, Church Membership, that book will discuss discipline shortly but it gives a framework for the role of the local church which I think you need before you even think about church discipline.
Happy Reading!